Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New TV

I don't know if you've ever seen a guy try to play nentendo on a tiny tv, but if you do, the comment each time is, "It's so small, I can't even see what I'm doing..." Well, I didn't really believe it was too small until you see the difference. Anne do you remember how big the INSIGNIA we bought was when we had our apartment? Check out the photos. DAN was so excited! It was funny to see him rearranging our living room to make it all fit. It will be nice when we actually have some movies to watch on it. For now I just get to see alot of xbox games. I would like to try rockband on it tho. It's really a Epson Projector, it gets really clear picture when we've got the room in theater mode, it's 1080p. We'll have to bring it to watch family videos at our next family reunion. Does anyone know when that is?


Anonymous said...

oh my flipping GOSH!! Im pretty darn jealous...yes..I am.
Next fam reunion...I haven't heard any set dates yet. I should check that Genther website and see if it mentions anything.

rubberbucketsaysso said...

Genther's is July 16 2009

rubberbucketsaysso said...

cool tv btw

TooSure said...

wow, lucky! Nate would be pretty jealous, good thing he doesn't check your blog too much. He doesn't need to know about it. He would be pretty jealous. Do you mind me asking how much you paid?