Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Wow. I haven't changed my blog in forever. It's finals...and I barely have time to do anything! It's still Snowing here in Logan. Wish the summer would finally decide to come! Snow and tests. Man life is good. I get a new car this weekend. Dan is downsizing and I'm upgrading. My red car's brakes are not doing well. They've gone out twice in the last 2 months. Dan wants me to get a more reliable car... and well it's easy for me to agree. His yellow charger is going back to the store and we are both getting more affordable vehicles. I found a 2000 BMW for only 9,400! I'm excited. I may get it this weekend. Keeping our finger crossed! I better get to class!


rubberbucketsaysso said...

I hate finals. At least I only have three this time around! I get to study when Damian takes his naps, so that gives me a good hour to two hours each day, and that helps tons. Hope you can find the time! I have found that if it's a class w/ papers that re-reading my papers helps me study too. Anyways, good luck, and see you... sometime.... ;)

Hot MMMama said...

Whit Whew! (that's me whistlin' at ya)

A Beamer, how fancy of you! And fun!

Good luck with the finals and snow...

This week we are in the 80s and its sunny and clear skies.... wanna come and visit?! ;-)

Anonymous said...

ONLY $9400??? Your model like brother in law would roll over in his grave if he was in one!! But then again, being able to buy nice cars that are cheaper only happens if you have someone who is really good with engines to bring along to look at them.
I just hate payments! yuck. I wouldn't mind the beamer must be painful for poor Dan to send his yellow car back :( Send my condolences.

Good luck with finals and thanks for posting something!!

TooSure said...

ha ha, it is nice to drive a working car huh? I was ecstatic to get n8's black car while he got a crappy truck. I am excited for you guys to get 2 new cars for the 2 payments together the same as the yellow charger. Must be nice. You are rich now and can come to visit now, right?

TooSure said...

I talked to hunadu yesterday and told him that he should buy your old car because you are getting a BMW. He said that you cant because that is the kind of car he was going to buy and now he will look like the copy cat. Ha ha. I told him that he needs to bring that up with you. HA ha, he thinks you are copying him.

Faminy o Chaos said...

we should tell the yadermiester that its ok to copy cat. Its a good sign that you made the right choice. I mean...look at us and hot mmmama...Dodge Ram Cummings...Honda Odyssey. freaky